Tax deduction MSPs and how businesses can benefit from them.
It’s been a turbulent time for businesses over the last 18 months navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic. Many had to accelerate their remote work policies and practices. As a result, business IT infrastructures were forced to change rapidly, and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have been …
Section 179 Deductions that Business Owners can use
When you’re a small business, it’s critical to get your taxes right. Many small business owners look for ways to maximize deductions to minimize how much tax they pay. One tax-saving loophole not everyone knows about that could help is the tax code Section 179 …
Can Businesses Be Denied Cyber Insurance?
In our world of constantly evolving and varied cyber threats, many organizations consider cyber insurance to help them get back on their feet should they fall victim to a cyber event. Data breaches and ransomware attacks can also require specialized expertise and funds to deal …
Cybersecurity Insurance- 5 Reasons Why you need it
Cybersecurity insurance, also referred to as cyber insurance or cyber liability insurance, is insurance that your business can buy to reduce risks to data loss. A cybersecurity insurance policy will transfer some risk to the insurance company for a fee. While all types of insurance have been around for decades, …
Who Should Handle Your IT?
In our evolving COVID-19 world, we’ve had to re-learn the way we act and think. What worked for our businesses in the past might no longer help us in the future. The pandemic caused a seismic shift for many small businesses. Those who learned to adapt to the changes thrived and …
Are Cybersecurity and Internet Safety the same?
We use it, but we don’t think about it. Modern society is dependent on technology. Whether it’s your TV, the Internet, a laptop, or a phone, there’s no denying how much life has changed over the last two decades. This online access means that individuals and businesses need to be diligent …
Beefing Up Your Communication Security
When it comes to personal or business data security, you must know how to spot bogus links. Recognizing fake email links that might lead to fraudulent pages is a challenge for many people. The fact that hackers are using more advanced methods makes it worse for all of us. That is why beefing …
Modern-Day Communication, The Dangers Behind It
When it comes to IT security solutions, there are a large number of threats facing us. Modern-day communication technology has opened up a massive amount of potential for people; however, it also poses a significant threat in terms of security. Threats are increasingly advanced as time passes by, and …
Clicking Fake Links, The Horror Behind It!
When it comes to using the internet, you know how things can go wrong. We all like to think that our online activities are safe and protected. However, the reality is that hacking methods are increasingly creative to get people to clicking fake links. As such, today, …
Spot Fake Links In Your Emails
Opening unknown links can be a risk factor for your business and staff. As a result, more and more business owners have incorporated fake link prevention strategies into their security training. We’ve come up with a few tips to help ensure that your staff members have the critical information on how to spot fake …